
Ancient Kingdom Chronicles


A Living Chronicle of Ancient Sri Lankan Kingdoms

Stepping into Anuradhapura is akin to entering a living chronicle of Sri Lanka’s ancient kingdoms. This UNESCO World Heritage site boasts colossal stupas, ancient monasteries, and sacred Bodhi trees. Traverse the sprawling ruins, each echoing tales of a bygone era. Anuradhapura invites you to witness the grandeur of Sri Lanka’s Buddhist heritage, where ancient structures stand as silent witnesses to the island’s glorious past.



Sri Maha Bodhi

The Sacred Bodhi Tree of Anuradhapura

Witness the sacredness of Sri Maha Bodhi, the oldest documented tree in the world and a revered symbol of Buddhism. Planted over 2,300 years ago, this Bodhi tree is said to be grown from a sapling of the original tree under which Buddha attained enlightenment. The serene ambiance around the sacred tree invites pilgrims and visitors to reflect on the profound spirituality that permeates Anuradhapura.


Stupendous Stupa Amidst Ancient Ruins

Explore the monumental Ruwanwelisaya, a stupa that stands as a testament to the architectural prowess of ancient Sri Lanka. Surrounded by a sea of smaller dagobas and intricate sculptures, this colossal structure emanates a sense of grandeur. The spiritual resonance within the sacred precincts of Ruwanwelisaya echoes the rich history of Anuradhapura’s ancient kingdom.


A Towering Stupa of Architectural Eminence

Behold the towering presence of Jetavanaramaya, an ancient stupa that once held the title of the world’s tallest stupa. The brick and clay construction, adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures, reflects the engineering brilliance of its time. As you stand in the shadow of Jetavanaramaya, you can’t help but marvel at the monumental efforts that went into creating this architectural marvel.